Saturday, August 24, 2013


So, I am getting Caleigh ready for school and she is letting me pull her hair up into a ponytail. She's looking at me in the mirror and asks,

"Mom, can I do the refund?"

My mind is swirling at this point.  Have I recently purchased something that has a refund offer with it?  Did she see the massive $5.00 refund check I got in the mail from Bed Bath & Beyond and want it for herself?  Do I have something that I was supposed to take back to the store for a refund that I have forgotten about?  

When I don't immediately answer her, she asks me again. 

I tell her that I am not sure what she means.  She gets upset with me and angrily says

"The refund thing!  Can I do the refund thing?"

I am still clueless!  

Seeing her frustration with me, I try to coax out of her what she is talking about without making her more upset.  Sometimes that is not an easy task. I didn't want her going to school in a bad mood. That's not a good way to start a school day!  

"What kind of refund" I prodded,

"THE REFUND FROM MY SCHOOL," she growls at me!!

The lightbulb in my head goes on and I realize she wants to know if I am going to let her participate in the "FUNDRAISER" for her school!  

HA! At least she had part of the word right!  

Thursday, August 8, 2013

First Day Vocabulary

After Caleigh's first day of school, she had a few questions for me.  They were as follows.

"What is a student?"

"What does tardy mean?"

"What is an absence?"

"What is attendance?"

I guess she listened at school but I don't think she did much understanding since she didn't know the meaning of any of these words!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

About God

The following conversation took place on our car ride home from a swim day at Granny's house.

Caleigh: Do you know that God is pushing our car right now?

Me:  He is?

Caleigh:  Yeah he controls everything.

Me:  Yes, he does.  So I guess he is pushing us.

Caleigh:  I know how God does everything.

Me: Oh, you do?  You know how he makes the sun rise?

Caleigh:  Uh, yeah!  He gets out his flashlight!

Me:  Well, what about the moon?

Caleigh:  He gets a crescent and puts it in front for the flashlight!

Me:  Ohhhhhh.  What about the waves in the ocean?

Caleigh: He pushes the water, duh!

Me: Ok then, how does he make the wind?

Caleigh takes a deep breath and blows out as hard as she can.

Caleigh:  Like that!!!!

And that was that!  How do you argue with that incredible logic!?  LOL!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Jesus Price

Caleigh has been working on her songs for her preschool graduation program for over two months now.

It is so sweet to hear her little voice singing sweet praise songs.  I don't think anything can melt my heart faster than hearing her sing in her sweet sing-song way.

While she sings so cute, sometimes some of the words get misinterpreted.  Thus, "Jesus Christ = Jesus Price" and "Christ our Lord = Price our Lord" and "Suit up for Christ= Suit up for Price."

She's been making an effort to remember to change "Price" to "Christ" but I think it is so much more precious when she sings full heartedly and it comes out as "Price".

So proud of my solo-singing preschooler!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Saying these three letters as an exaggerated expression is Caleigh's new "word".  

It seems to have become her standard response to anything exciting, scary, funny, sad, and any other situation you can think of.



Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Caleigh has seen many commercials on tv advertising hotel stays.

She likes the idea of spending the night in other places so she told Chad and I that she REALLY wants to stay in a HOSEL this summer.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Love Nothing More"

To wake Caleigh up for school each morning, I usually crawl into bed with her and cuddle for a few minutes until she realizes I'm there and she starts to wake up.  Since she no longer sleeps in the bed with Chad and I, this short morning snuggle time is the only real time she lets me get close to her for any given amount of time. 

The other morning, I went into the room and found her in a sideways sleeping position with no covers on her.  Since she only likes to sleep in t-shirts, she was ice cold.  I crawled into the bed and she sleepily asked me to get her warm. 

I replied,"I would love nothing more."

Then she said something that ABSOLUTELY MELTED my heart.

"I love nothing more than my awesome mom." 

And back off to dreamland she went for 10 more minutes of silent snuggles with me.  I think I was just as in love with my daughter in this moment as I was the first time I laid eyes on her! 

I hope I remember this morning for the rest of my life.

(And remind myself of it when she's 15 and telling me what an "awful mom" I am!)